Leeds College of Art Vernon Street Leeds LS2 8PH
18 August - 9 September 9.00am - 4.00pm Monday - Friday
Alex Farrar
and Jayne Allen, Keith Arnatt, Jonathan Ashworth, Bob Cobbing, Georgia
Dennison, James Dixon, Lucy Freeman, Hamish Fulton, Joe Hancock, Howard,
Leeds United, Richard Long, Frank Lisle, Claire Macalister Hall, Harry
Meadley, Michael O'Sullivan, Helen Shaddock, Holly Stott, Eric Taylor,
Liz West, Lynn Wray
Catalogue Available
17 August 5.00pm - 8.00pm
'Catalogue Available', Alex Farrar proposed that his exhibition
catalogue be expanded to include all the artworks currently in the
Vernon Street College building. The resulting publication reveals a
found-exhibition of 30 works made in the past 50 years by over 25
artists, present at the time of Farrar's solo exhibition.
Featuring the college's hanging collection and ongoing temporary
exhibitions, the catalogue also documents many clandestine projects
which remain in the building long after their makers have left. These
latent exhibits were researched by a group of former students,
responsible for collecting verbal accounts of the mythical works that
persist in the fabric of the building.
The project will be accessible through a single hand-printed book that
will be permanently shelved in the College's Vernon Street library.
During the preview of the exhibition, a one-off tour of the exhibition
will be led by Georgia Dennison.