Celeste continues its annual investigations of relevant themes which affect artists and society. This year's chosen theme, 'Expectations' (in 2009 the theme was 'dependtendency'), will be represented by the following selected artists:
10 Artists for Berlin Expectations
10 Artists for New York Expectations:
Patrizia Bonardi, Lasting, video
Elena Fantini, Gasoline pump, photograph
Loredana Grasso, Déjà-vu, painting
Kurt Hoerbst, Julia 11, photograph
Shahar Marcus, Freeze, video
Francesco Minucci, Little Boy, photograph
Francesca Romana Pinzari, The first Time We Kissed, video
Mario Rossi, Synchronicity 3, photograph
Marco Santuccio, Equilibrio Funk, installation
Liz West, Yellow Chamber, installationEarlier this year Celeste invited artists to submit artwork to Expectations, a challenging curatorial idea presented by the art critic and curator Manon Slome.
Artwork was selected by Manon Slome and Julian Navarro.
New York, USA - View works
8 December 2010, exhibition location to be announced shortly, in collaboration with New York non-profit No Longer Empty
Artwork presented to 'Expectations' will have to follow the curatorial idea presented by Manon Slome:*
“The origin of a work of art, that is the origin of both the creators and the preservers, which is to say of a people’s historical existence - is art. That is so because art in its essence is an origin, a distinctive way in which truth comes into being, that is, becomes historical,” - Heidegger.
"Art in this sense has been received as an enframing mode of revealing – of an event, a life, a sensation encoded and re-represented from the past into the present. This sense of historicity, that we are witnessing something that happened in the past and that we are viewing now in the form of painting, video, film etc. has been embedded into our consciousness as audience to a work of art.
In contrast to this mode of image – however loosely 'image' is interpreted - being concerned with representation of condensed experience, performance art, interactive digital or computer art for example, creates an image that is simultaneous with its consumption. We experience it in real time as the image is made or performed and as the next action is anticipated.
My proposition would be to develop an exhibition that takes the image as something concerned less with representation in an historical sense than as a tool for setting something into motion - whether it be action, emotion, a state of being or becoming; a sense that the image leads to something beyond the scope of the painting or photograph, that the moment we see in the frame is just the frozen predicament before what will happen next.
Perhaps the title could be - Expectations - fitting perhaps for artists who have entered a juried prize and for an economic and political climate where boundaries of the expected are continually being challenged.
Artists should feel free to experiment with the theme of 'Expectations' looking at the concept in any way they want to interpret it – anticipation, probability, hope, future, yet to be - in any media or selection of media. The whole idea of anticipation is that it is open ended, looking forward instead of to the past. In essence, the curatorial intention is to be liberating."Catalogue
A catalogue containing all selected works for Berlin and New York 'Expectations' will be published, and will include critical texts by curators as well as illustrations of artwork on exhibition.